What's the best game controller for world of tank blitz on windows 10 64 bit
What's the best game controller for world of tank blitz on windows 10 64 bit

In addition, gamepads may have a vibration mode that is used in modern computer games with built-in support for gamepads. Modern gamepads for personal computers are available with a universal USB connection interface and provide for both wired and wireless connections.


On personal computers, gamepads somehow did not take root. To begin with, a gamepad is a game pad used primarily on consoles like the XBOX and PS3. In order not to experience bitter disappointment after acquiring a not always cheap game pad. It would seem that the gamepad is literally created specifically for tank battles! However, there is always a place for a fly or two in the ointment: yes, my dear readers, the gamepad as a game manipulator specifically for Tanks Online has many pitfalls and features that it is advisable to learn before buying.


You can solve the problem of inconvenient control of the game from the keyboard in the most radical way - by connecting a gamepad to your computer! Who said that controlling Tanks Online from a gamepad is impossible? By no means, gamepads are easy to set up for Tanki Online! ) are not very convenient? And what would be very nice to have the ability to remap keys in the settings? But alas, such an opportunity is still promised only in Tanki Online 2.0, which have not yet been released (at the time of this writing). Can I play World of Tanks with a joystick

What's the best game controller for world of tank blitz on windows 10 64 bit